2.CAUSES OF DISUNITY - ONENESS IN CHRIST | Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A.

2020-12-12 0

Series ONENESS IN CHRIST with Pastor Kurt Piesslinger, M.A.

The history of God`s people is a story about blessings and curses. Are we able to act in a better way?

Memory Text:
Proverbs 9:10 - The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

2.1 "Return, O Backsliding Children"
2.2 "Right in His Own Eyes"
2.3 The Division of the Hebrew Nation
2.4 Schism in Corinth
2.5 "Wolves Will Come"
2.6 Summary

My God bless you today and always.